Love, truth and personal power


This year I am studying an incredible integrated Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching course, which daily peels back my layers. I am finding pieces of truth about myself, my body, and my relationships that astound and surprise me. I thought I knew me. I thought I knew my body, but in fact I’m learning that what I knew is only a whisper of possibility. I’ve learned that I am able to peel back what I thought I knew to reveal deep pleasures and pains. I am learning about power and truth, and how to integrate pieces of self that have held me back, or that can hold up my vulnerable (and powerful!) truth to the light of day. I have revealed pieces of me I previously didn’t dare dream into existence. I am I awe of the processes I am learning, and the ways I now know how to hold people in their tender selves, and to discover their incredible strength. I am so very excited to begin working with people with this new depth.